! ! Total inclusive ttbar x-section ! by ATLAS collaboration, combination of different channels, ATLAS-CONF-2012-024 ! Total Xsec data, extrapolated to mt=173.3 GeV by HATHOR2.1 NNLO ! ! ! &Data Name = 'ATLAS total ttbar 7TeV mt=173.3 GeV' Reaction = 'FastNLO ttbar' NDATA = 1 NColumn = 7 ColumnType = 'Bin','Bin','Sigma','Bin','Error','Error','Error' ColumnName = 'ptlow','pthigh','Sigma','m_t','stat','uncor','uncor' NInfo = 4 DataInfo = 7000., 1. ,-1., -1. CInfo = 'sqrt(S)', 'PublicationUnits','MurDef', 'MufDef' IndexDataset = 209 TheoryInfoFile = 'datafiles/lhc/atlas/topProduction/atlas-conf-2012-024/fnlttbarpty0_7TeV_mt173.3.tab' TheoryType = 'FastNLO' Percent = 25*True &End &PlotDesc PlotN = 1 PlotDefColumn = 'm_t' PlotDefValue = 0., 175. PlotVarColumn = 'm_t' PlotOptions(1) ='Experiment:ATLAS@ExtraLabel:top 7 TeV@XTitle:m_{t}@YTitle:#sigma' &End 0 400 172.8 173.3 1.69 4.52 3.95